Editorial & Responsibility
Ralf Kötter
Hermannstrße 11
32052 Herford, Germany
Mobil: 0157 70269970
Responsible for the contents of these pages according to clause 5 § TMG (German Telemedia Act): enfindesign, Detmold
Sales tax identification number: DE31352092456
Layout and implementation:
Dipl. Ing. Ralf Kötter
Layout and implementation
he information on these web pages is continuously updated. Despite all diligence, the data can change in the meantime, or contain errors or inaccuracies. The timeliness, correctness and completeness, or a guarantee or warranty of the available information can therefore not be assumed. enfindesign reserves the right to carry out alterations or additions to the available websites. The structure and contents of these websites are protected by copyright. For the use and distribution of text excerpts or photographic material, especially data and information.
Revocation of consent
Furthermore, you can revoke your consent to the storage, processing and usage of your personal data at any time. If you have provided us with personal data (e.g. when requesting a brochure), you have the option of simply deleting these at any time. Please send us an email to or contact us via telephone. After answering the security question, all of your data related to this service will be irretrievably deleted.
Please note that every furniture product is manufactured individually. We will be happy to send you an offer for an individual project upon request.
Photo, homepage: Dirk Schelpmeier photographer
Photo, chapel, sculpture of a lion's head: Georg le Ber photographer, sculpteur, carpenter
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